Born 1959 Mikael holds a bachelor degree of Science in Biology, Physical Geography and Ecology, Stockholm University. He has also studied Literature science at Stockholm University.
Founding Miljöstrategi AB in 1989 and still running the company, he has also had time for other things. Here is a selection of positions:
- Board member Youth & Environment Sweden, 1983-1984
- Freelance consultant on environmental issues 1985-1989
- Founder and CEO of Environmental Strategies AB 1989-
- Board member Swedish Society for Nature Conservation 1992-1993
- 1:st Vice President, Board of Swedish Society for Nature Conservation 1993-1996
- President of the Electorate committee Swedish Society for Nature Conservation 1997-1999
- Board member Kemi & Miljö AB, 1993-1994
- Head of environmental planning, Stockholm 2004 (Stockholm’s candidacy for the Summer Olympic Games 2004), 1994-1997
- Head environmental planning, Bo01 City of Tomorrow, European Housing Exhibition, 1998-2000
- Member of The Advisory Group on Sustainable forestry, Swedish University of Agricultural Science
- Member of The Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences’ project ”Environmental foresight” 2006-2007.
- Chairman of the board, Nils Holgersson School (parental cooperatively owned school) 2006-2008
- President Sustainable Business Hub Scandinavia AB 2007-2011
- Co-founder and partner Cleantech Scandinavia AB, 2007-, chairman of the board 2013-2016, board member 2016-
- Board member Solar Region Skåne 2009-2012
- Member of Soundig Board for the innovation system in Skåne, 2010-2012
- Senior advisor and coordinator of the pilot area Smart Sustainable Cities within the innovation strategy for Region Skåne 2011-2015
- Thematic expert cleantech innovation, RIM 2012-2014
- Board member, Malmö City Innovation platform for sustainable attractive cities 2013-15
- Board member Lund City Innovation platform for sustainable attractive cities 2013-15
- Chair Working group Financing and market uptake, EU Smart City Stakeholder Platform, 2014
- Expert, European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities, Action Cluster Business models, Financing and Procurement, 2015-2016
Cleantech Scandinavia
Mikael is also co-founder and partner of Cleantech Scandinavia, the leading company in Scandinavia working with venture capitalist and industrial actors investing in the cleantech sector, and with the promotion of cleantech start-ups in the Nordics, as well as influencing policy on cleantech innovation, start-ups and investments. Cleantech Scandinavia follows investments in the Nordics and the Baltic nations, do market analysis, and deliver high quality events in the Nordics, Europe, USA and China. Cleantech Scandinavia is also running the cleantech innovation competition Nordic Cleantech Open.
Links here www.cleantechscandinavia.com ; www.nordiccleantechopen.com